All posts by akzente4you

November 2024

im Antoniushof, 69257 Wiesenbach,
Vortrag: Leben und Werk von Dr. Karl Nowotny

Elisabeth Herrscher wird über das Leben und Werk von Dozent Dr. Karl Nowotny aus Wien berichten. Nowotny war Psychiater und Neurologe und Dozent an der Uni Wien und Chefarzt einer Klinik.
Sie wird über die  Zusammenhänge von Körper – Seele und Geist, über sein Sterben, sein  Werk und neue Erkenntnisse sprechen.

Bitte melden Sie sich telefonisch unter 0781  33630 an!

Besuchen Sie uns auf der Schauberger-Herbsttagung am 19. und 20. Oktober 2024 auf unserem Stand mit Kupfer und Büchern.Besuchen Sie uns auf der Schauberger-Herbsttagung am 19. und 20. Oktober 2024 auf unserem Stand mit Kupfer und Büchern.Besuchen Sie uns auf der Schauberger-Herbsttagung am 19. und 20. Oktober 2024 auf unserem Stand mit Kupfer und Büchern.Besuchen Sie uns auf der Schauberger-Herbsttagung am 19. und 20. Oktober 2024 auf unserem Stand mit Kupfer und Büchern.

Freitag, 15. Dezember 2023 |  15.00 ⁠Uhr

Gasthaus Ochsen in Ettenheim,
Kirchstrasse 3 (gegenüber Rathaus)
Vortrag: Leben und Werk von Dr. Karl Nowotny

Elisabeth Herrscher wird über das Leben und Werk von Dozent Dr. Karl Nowotny aus Wien berichten. Nowotny war Psychiater und Neurologe und Dozent an der Uni Wien und Chefarzt einer Klinik.
Sie wird über die  Zusammenhänge von Körper – Seele und Geist, über sein Sterben, sein  Werk und neue Erkenntnisse sprechen.

Bitte melden Sie sich telefonisch unter 0781  33630 an!

Freitag, 8. Dezember 2023 |  19.00 ⁠Uhr

im Antoniushof, 69257 Wiesenbach,
Vortrag: Leben und Werk von Dr. Karl Nowotny

Elisabeth Herrscher wird über das Leben und Werk von Dozent Dr. Karl Nowotny aus Wien berichten. Nowotny war Psychiater und Neurologe und Dozent an der Uni Wien und Chefarzt einer Klinik.
Sie wird über die  Zusammenhänge von Körper – Seele und Geist, über sein Sterben, sein  Werk und neue Erkenntnisse sprechen.

Bitte melden Sie sich telefonisch unter 0781  33630 an!

A Summary of topic-related texts by Dr. Karl Nowotny – created by Dr. medical Paul Jaggi  will appear shortly.

The lyrics cover topics such as:

  • aggression
  • fear
  • obsession
  • insanity
  • conscious/subconscious
  • and much more.

This book shows the various connections between people (at the soul level and in the incarnation on earth) based on several earth lives of the same people.

As a stimulus for thought and not to make regressions.
Nowotny writes about this in detail.

ISBN: 9 783955 312107

Portrait von Dr. Karl Nowotny


AS we move into the Aquarian age, more and more channelled messages are being directed Io our planet. The great joy about all these communications is that they are all different, each providing its own perspective of the whole. And what a lesson that is for each of us as we move away from the fixed hierarchical structures of the Piscean Age. It is bringing (he knowledge to the fixe that it is all right to change. Not only all right, but essential to let go of those outmoded traditions if we are to transit safely from one age to the next.
Dr Karl Nowotny is providing an important contribution to this transition in enabling  psychiatrists, psychotherapists and doctors to realise that there can be outside forces influencing mental disturbances.
He explains clearly how many forms of mental illness, including suicide, can be handled so
much more effectively if the practitioner understands the role of psychic energy, spirit and the interchange between life on Earth in the physical body and life as spirit.
A Swiss psychiatrist, Dr Paul Jaeggi, is already finding the Nowotny information invaluable
in the treatment of his patients.
Furthermore, he finds that the methods prescribed by Nowotny complement comfortably
his normal orthodox approach, thus providing a role model for others who may wish to follow in his footsteps.
The fact that Dr Karl Nowotny was a neurologist and a psychiatrist in his life has enabled
the communications to be presented in a way that is compatible with orthodox medical thinking.
Indeed, a friend of mine who is a consultant psychiatrist has shown great interest in the books.
However, the teachings are not too specialised for the ordinary reader and offer deep stimulus for thought.
His warnings of careless and indiscriminate use of psychic energies are timely as this
transition from one age to the next is already bringing heightened spiritual energies to the planet, energies that can bring either enlightenment or lead us into our shadows. It is also a time when each of us will have the opportunity of acknowledging our subtler levels of consciousness. We are all psychic and, in this hi-tech age, this offers us the challenge of allowing ourselves to recognise the fact and to finding out how it works for us.
What I particularly enjoy about Nowotny‘s teachings is that he does not set out to be some
kind of guru, but provides a practical, down-to-earth approach in dealing with practical, downtoearth problems. He encourages us to accept and use our freewill, saying that “submission is a denial of personal freewill.”
The book offers strong warnings to those who would blindly seek divine inspiration,
especially for ego reasons; we are reminded that it is not God who causes suffering, but man.
In fact, Nowotny sets out very clear boundaries in communicating with spirit, some of which will be controversial, even for those already interested in these ideas.
Nevertheless, I think it is important that we are all aware that boundaries and disciplines are necessary in all forms of psychic work and, of course, in life as a whole.
Dr Nowotny has a great deal to say specifically in the area of mental illness. This is a
valuable book, both for those who are new to this kind of channelling and for those who are looking for something beyond philosophic and spiritual considerations.
Tony Neate
Runnings Park,
West Malvern,
Worcs WR14 4BP.

TONY NEATE is co-principal of the School of Channelling and a founder/tutor of the
College of Healing at Runnings Park, West Malvern, Worcs. He has worked as a medium since the 1950s, channelling the wisdom/philosophy of H-A, which is published in a number of books. Tony also works as a healer, counsellor, gives nutritional advice and, where necessary, past life therapy.
Tony Neate was a co-founder and managing director of Nature’s Own Ltd, chairman of the
Wrekin Trust, succeeding Sir George Trevelyan, and chairman of New Approaches to Cancer.
Together with his wife Ann, he also ran a Cancer Help Centre in Cheltenham, on similar lines to the world-famous Bristol Cancer Help Centre.
Additionally, he was chairman of the council of a Rudolph Steiner school and a council
member of London’s College of Psychic Studies.
A member of the core group of the Runnings Park community, Tony divides his time
between working as a therapist in London and Malvern, channelling for study and development groups, and teaching, lecturing and leading workshops internationally on healing, stress management, meditation, psychic protection and self-development.
of Sacred Dance — Peter Deunov’s Paneurythmy.” The Scientific and Medical Network is an
informal international group consisting mainly of qualified scientists and doctors, together
with psychologists, engineers, philosophers, therapists and many other professionals. The aim of the Network is to deepen understanding in science, medicine and education by fostering both rational and intuitive insights. Founded in 1973, it now has around 1,200 members in over 50 countries. Full Membership is by invitation, usually only open to university- qualified scientists, doctors and other professionals. However, anyone sympathetic to the Network’s aims and concerns can become an Associate Member and receive its newsletter, “Network.”
Further information from David Lorimer, Lesser Halings, Tilehouse Lane, Denham,
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB9 5DG.

Portrait von Dr. Karl Nowotny


EVER since I started reading Swedenborg twenty years ago, I have been interested in
communications purporting to come from those who have died. Swedenborg himself, an
eighteenth century scientist and mystic of great distinction, claimed to be able to leave his body
at will and travel in the spiritual worlds, returning to record his impressions in such books as
Heaven and Hell. There is a widespread popular fallacy that all mediumistic utterances are
trivial and inconsequential babble. Nothing could be further from the truth: such remarks merely
betray a complete and perhaps wilful ignorance. There is much talk about the fear of death, but
less about the fear of life after death. Many psychologists argue that a belief in life after death
is a childish wish-fulfilment, but they would soon retract their remarks if they could gain some
insight into the probable conditions in which they themselves might exist in a post-mortem
state! If you knew that you would one day be making a journey, the most basic preparation
would be to consult whatever maps and guide books might be available. I regard the Nowotny
volumes as one such guide book.
One of the basic premises of modern science is that consciousness is a by-product of brain
processes. Hence the death of the brain means the extinction of consciousness. By this logic,
no communication with the post-mortem world is possible because such a world cannot exist
by definition. Any writings claiming to come from these sources must therefore be nothing
more than the imaginative meanderings of the author’s unconscious mind. Dr Nowotny himself
admits to having shared this kind of view during his lifetime, and was more than a litUe
surprised to find himself consciously surviving the death of his body in 1965. All this is
described in detail in volume one. But what if this assumption of modern science is not only
misleading, but radically false? There is another way of conceiving of the relationship between
mind and brain: the brain does not so much produce consciousness as transmit or filter it. This
view was developed a hundred years ago by William James and others. It does not spell the
automatic extinction of human consciousness at brain death, but rather suggests that death may
be a transition from one kind of consciousness to another.
The above two approaches can be applied to the near-death experience. The orthodox view
must insist that the experience is produced entirely by the brain as a result of oxygen deprivation
or other biochemical and perhaps pharmacological factors. The transmissive theory admits that
there must be correlations with brain processes, but argues that correlations do not amount to
causes. One of the most puzzling phenomena for the materialist interpretation of the near-death
experience is the veridical out-of-the-body experience, where the subject accurately reports
events which are simply invisible from the position of the physical body, itself clinically dead
at the time. If there is any perception at all, it must be extra-sensory. The out-of the-body
experience helps one appreciate the possibility of the mind surviving independently of the
physical body: in this sense, death is a permanent out-of the-body experience.
In my books Survival? (1984) and Whole in One (1990), I have compared elements of the
near-death experience with reports of postmortem experience. It became clear to me that the
second is an extension of the first and that the phenomena can best be understood in relation to
each other. If we now return to Nowotny’s experience of death (volume one, p.61), he was
walking with difficulty, having been in ill health for some time, when he suddenly felt himself
walking freely and without pain. On turning round, he saw his own dead physical body on the
ground, and ascertained that the heart had stopped beating — yet he was still alive! Moreover
(and I find this an amusing and significant aside) his dog was most confused, because he saw
his master in two places at once, and did not know which way to turn! By all accounts, Nowotny
came suddenly out of his body at death when he experienced a cardiac arrest. When he started
communicating, his medium was soon convinced of the genuineness of his identity, but it does
pose a problem for the discarnate sceptic. There is good evidence that Bertrand Russell, a
materialist in his lifetime, communicated through the medium Rosemary Brown, and remarked
that he would not have believed this to be possible had he still been alive in his physical body!
As a neurologist, Nowotny is aware of these difficulties in relation to how his messages
may be received by his former medical colleagues. The standard models in the neurosciences
and psychiatry are materialistic and reductionist so that any talk of possession or attached
entities would be regarded as a return to mediaeval superstition which has long since been
discredited by advances in anti-depressant drugs and sophisticated forms of psychotherapy. It
is ironic to note the remark of the Cypriot sage, Daskalos, that the success of some electro11
shock therapy is due to the fact that it expels entities from the patient! Nevertheless, some
psychologists are becoming open to the notion of past life therapy, where obsessions and
phobias are effectively treated apparently through reliving a trauma purporting to come from a
previous incarnation. Dr Nowotny, in his writings, takes the notion of reincarnation for granted,
and even explains some of the mechanisms: he outlines, for instance, the idea that we each
come to earth with a blueprint for our life’s work, and hence the importance for parents to
recognise the blueprint and potential gifts of their children.
He insists, rightly in my view, on the necessity of an adequate philosophy of life, which
includes an understanding of the influence of subtle worlds on the physical and that the
underlying purpose of earth life is spiritual growth. As he puts it: matter is subordinate to the
spiritual sphere. Our materialistic culture gives no inkling of this, encouraging young people to
aspire to the TV lifestyles of dubious soap opera characters. This is a far cry from the patient
development of spiritual qualities and the embodying of love and wisdom. Nowotny defines
the maturity of a spirit exactly in terms of knowledge combined with all-embracing love.
Throughout his work, he encourages the reader to cultivate discrimination, and not simply to
accept anything which claims to come from a discarnate source. One comes to realise the
importance of thoughts and the need to control them if one is to make real progress.
In my work with the Scientific and Medical Network, we are trying to expand the horizons
of science and medicine beyond its current materialistic and reductionist assumptions. In the
medical field, this involves exploration of so-called subtle energy systems, as well as
recognition of well-attested paranormal phenomena and appreciation of the universality and
value of mystical experience. Our attitude is to combine intellectual openness with scientific
rigour. The Nowotny volumes can help in this process, since I believe that he exhibits these
very qualities in his writings. Readers have already expanded their horizons by accepting the
possibility of discarnate communication. This is taken one stage further by reflecting on the
robust and compassionate advice which he gives.
I hope that it will not be too long before his messages are taken seriously by his medical
colleagues to enable them to broaden their diagnostic scope beyond currently recognised
biochemical and psychological factors.
David Lorimer
David Lorimer was born in Scotland, and educated at Eton College and the Universities of
St Andrews and Cambridge. After a short spell in merchant banking, he switched to education,
teaching languages and philosophy at Fettes College, Edinburgh, and at Winchester College,
Hants. In 1986, he became Director of the Scientific and Medical Network.
He is author of “Survival? Body, Mind and Death in the Light of Psychic Experience” and
“Whole in One — The Near-Death Experience and the Ethic of Interconnectedness.” Mr
Lorimer is also the editor of “Prophet for Our Times” and ‘The Circle of Sacred Dance — Peter
Deunov’s Paneurythmy.”
The Scientific and Medical Network is an informal international group consisting mainly
of qualified scientists and doctors, together with psychologists, engineers, philosophers,
therapists and many other professionals.
The aim of the Network is to deepen understanding in science, medicine and education by
fostering both rational and intuitive insights. Founded in 1973, it now has around 1,200
members in over 50 countries.
Full Membership is by invitation, usually only open to university- qualified scientists,
doctors and other professionals. However, anyone sympathetic to the Network’s aims and
concerns can become an Associate Member and receive its newsletter, “Network.”
Further information from David Lorimer, Lesser Halings, Tilehouse Lane, Denham,
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB9 5DG.

WHILST I am not a Spiritualist, I have no doubt that after physical death the mind, memory, personality and individuality remain. I am equally as certain that under the right conditions spiritual beings can manifest, and, now blessed with a wider breadth of vision, can communicate teachings which are of vital importance to mankind.

There is probably nothing new in the notion of communication with the next world. Indeed, the process by which it operates is as old as mankind.

Now there is no doubt whatsoever that the human brain consists of two parts. The masculine is responsible for the build-up of a great technological civilisation. Meanwhile, the right half, which is feminine, is intuitive, able to grasp the living one-ness of things and comprehend the spiritual world. What an adventure awaits all on entry into this higher dimension!

Whilst I did not know Dr Karl Nowotny when he was on earth, I am more than happy to endorse the teachings which he has communicated from the next realm. Controversial? Yes, sometimes they are. But I view this as a decided asset. Honest controversy is the means by which debate is widened and deepened. This should be welcomed. We have nothing to fear but much to gain from exploring others’ views.

The teachings from Dr Nowotny bear, I believe, a hallmark of sincerity. They “feel” right in a way which is difficult to put into words.

Only now, after a long period of evolution, is mankind beginning to awake. This is the excitement of our time as we enter the much-heralded Aquarian Age.

In the last 2,000 years of the Piscean Age it was necessary to build up the structure of Western civilisation. One of the greatest sadnesses is that so many scientists turned away from spiritual truths and, blinded by rampant materialism, refused to accept anything that was not demonstrable and repeatable in laboratory experiments.

However, even this is starting to change. Generally speaking, there is an awakening to the Spirit, a realisation than man is more than flesh and bones, that he is motivated by a spiritual force. Indeed, without this vital force, life itself would fail to operate.

Dr Nowotny casts new light on a series of situations and problems. Often — and with some justification — the charge is made that spiritual messages are banal, that they add nothing new to the sum total of human knowledge and endeavour.

This claim most certainly cannot be made about Dr Nowotny. His teachings are both thought provoking and mind expanding. From his new vantage point he is able to offer advice which is both sensible and practical.

Truly is change upon us all. I see it all around me in so many ways. At least, mankind has come to the rightful realisation that the earth, for example, is a living, breathing entity, one with whom we must work in love, harmony and friendship.

Spiritual teachings have a vital part to play in spreading this message, emphasising as they often do, the essential one-ness of all life. Truly is every one — and every thing — interconnected.

Dr Nowotny’s teachings are both important and interesting. It is for this reason I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending them, and hope they reach the widest possible audience.

Sir George Trevelyan

Nowotny no business model – helping people to help themselves

The medial writings – messages from a doctor in the Fourth Dimension available through the book trade, Glas-Vogl Ettenheim and the Synergia, Alex Beckmann, Industriestr. 20 in D- 64380 Roßdorf

ISBN (German):  978-3-907246-45-0

ISBN for the EBooks:

  • Mediale Schriften, E-Book: 978-3-907246-43-6 (german)
  • Messages from a Doctor in the Fourth Dimension, E-Book:  978-3-907246-44-3 (english)

We are happy to answer any questions, please write to: